ACT Swapping Guide for Achain Wallet Users (both PC and Web Wallet)


Step 1: Open your Achain wallet

Step 2: Send your entire ACT tokens to the official Achain wallet address by setting up the following:

Type: ACT
Address: ACTP3C6v7Mp6b82TecY8UhjHna2r3A8DSYc7
Amount: <Enter your entire ACT token balance>
Note (Optional): <Enter your Ethereum receiving address after the first 2 letters “0x” prefix>

ℹ️The address format of the new chain ACT is the Ethereum address. Due to the character limit of the notes on the chain, please remove the first 2 letters “0x” prefix when you fill in the Ethereum format address.

Step 3: After you send your ACT tokens, kindly send an email to Once we receive an email and verify your TX, we’ll complete the ACT token swapping process.




Written by AchainFoundation

Achain is a public blockchain platform that enables developers to issue tokens, smart contracts, create applications and blockchain systems.