ACT Swapping Guide for Achain Wallet Users (both PC and Web Wallet)
Step 1: Open your Achain wallet
Step 2: Send your entire ACT tokens to the official Achain wallet address by setting up the following:
Type: ACT
Address: ACTP3C6v7Mp6b82TecY8UhjHna2r3A8DSYc7
Amount: <Enter your entire ACT token balance>
Note (Optional): <Enter your Ethereum receiving address after the first 2 letters “0x” prefix>
ℹ️The address format of the new chain ACT is the Ethereum address. Due to the character limit of the notes on the chain, please remove the first 2 letters “0x” prefix when you fill in the Ethereum format address.
Step 3: After you send your ACT tokens, kindly send an email to Once we receive an email and verify your TX, we’ll complete the ACT token swapping process.